Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dear God

Dear God,

They say…you have a beautiful country
The country where you can see a deep green of rice plans
Where you meet a helpful nice smiling people
Where you can swim in warm blue water
Where you lie down in beautiful sand in the island
Where you can eat a good and healthy food

But now everything is changing
The beautiful country is mess by the earth quick
We need to import the rice from Thailand
Some people become so rude…
The blue water is polluted…
Some island is stealing or maybe shelling to other country
The bird flu infected our food…
They eat rat and they put formaldehyde poison in their food
The disaster…
The bomb…
The corruption..
The cheating…

I know you are invisible God… but you are there
Maybe I am not a good person, but…
May I ask you for all the happiness and peace for my country..
Coz, they are tired my Lord…tired with all of the disaster and problem.

Allaahummad fa'annal ghallaa-a wal balaa-a wal wabaa-a wal fah syaa-a wal mungkara was suyuufal mukhtalifata wasy syadaa-ida wal mihana maa zhahara minhaa wamaa bathana mim baladinaa khaashshataw wamim buldaanil muslimiina aammah, innaka 'alaa kulli syai-in qadiir

Ya Allah.., hindarkanlah kami dari resesi ekonomi, musibah, penyakit, kekejian, kemungkaran, dan bencana yang timbul karena perang, kesulitan-kesulitan dan berbagai petaka baik lahir maupun bathin dari negeri kami khususnya dan negeri2 kaum muslim pada umumnya, sesungguhnya Engkau Mahakuasa atas segala sesuatu,

Amien ya Robbal alaamin
I Love you God


1 comment:

Dodi Imam said...

punya blog mbok ya di-update to, sibuk mlaku-mlaku terus sih ;)